formed (Australian New Zealand Defense Forces) Central Security Agency founded, and the 32nd Amendment passes stating that the Constitution can be altered to adjust to the need for peace Australia forgives New Zealand debt, one of the first steps toward the Austronesian Union A.N.Z.D.I. * 2062: Russia Crash, Borsov removed from power and deposed U.S. * 2061: European Union falls from political power with disrupting of European Economy Battle of Fly River as Indonesia invades Papua New Guinea from Irian Djaya * 2061-2070: The Crash-Millions are dead, half the world's fields are infertile, World Economy collapses, Comm Crunch and Urban Schism occurs, orbital expansion is attempted

* 2061: Backlash destroys the OpNet throughout the globe China makes the "Earth Strike Ultimatum", war ends with the Exodus, Chinese fleet stands down Brazil and Columbia sign the Amazon Biodiversity Protection Act, triggering social innovations across the continent Post War Crash and Reconstruction * 2061-2070: The Zenezuelan plagues are unleashed, Aberrants systematically bomb Argentina for ratifying war, and they Taint areas of the Amazon as they move North, killing half of Venezuela's citizens with biological strikes several minor peasant uprisings in Sudamerica are quickly stamped out * 2060: Selene Miller gives birth to a son, Dante, but dies during labor Second Omaha Declaration is passed, the F.S.A. * 2059: First V.A.R.G.s are used in the field by European and U.N. * 2058: a special task force reorganizes the North American political structure into eight overarching governing districts Felice "Poseidon" Taylor floods the Florida peninsula, and tidal waves completely wipe out Cuba and the Bahamas Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama unite in the Mayan League * 2057: North American Police Action, invasion of Canada and Mexico complete, the whole continent's major population and industrial centers are under martial law Puerto Rico separates from the F.S.A., and leads the rest of the Caribbean nations inside the Necessary Wall of Sudamerica * 2056: Sydney Opera House destroyed again, not rebuilt until after war The First Omaha Declaration is passed granting the military sovereignty to deal with the Aberrant menace * 2055-2073: South America closes it's borders, erects a safety curtain, stops most trade and commerce, and declares a state of Martial Law Federal Intelligence agencies begin consolidating operations the U.S.

* 2055: Wycoff's detonation is discovered as being the cause behind a Taint virus that destroys the North American grain belt U.S. * 2054: Wycoff explodes over Hasting after a raid on his compound Sudamerica raises the Necessary Wall for fear of depredations from First World nations the National Force (later renamed Norca) emerges in Columbia revolts and becomes its own city Ecuador faces a violent war for presidency and new shifting-party policies now decide the ruler

* 2053: China launches Xingyang Sujia, the first manned interplanetary craft to Mars Seatown in the S.W. * 2052: Jerusalem destroyed, and reconstruction is delayed until after war is over Aberrant Pauly Natal and his cult seize the Nooitgeadact mine in Africa to fund their search for the Seventh Seal, 11 days later the miners revolt and kill them * 2051: The Colony of Eden is founded The Sydney Opera House is destroyed, but rebuilt mere months later * 2050: Balkans erupt into "The Shatter", an intense, ceaseless conflict, Borsov takes presidency of Russia, directs nation's aggression toward Aberrants and throws down "the Gauntlet", Yeltsingrad is closed to humans * 2049-2061: Various major cities destroyed, mostly in North America and Europe satellites, Olympus stays under their control until war ends * 2049: United Nations declares war on Aberrants, The Space Brigade seizes control of Olympus and destroys 75% of the O.M.E.N.